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sour cream brunch cake
It's fluffy. It's moist. It's simple. It's delicious. It's easy to make. What else do you need to know?
Sour Cream Brunch Cake
1 box yellow cake mix
1 small package vanilla instant pudding
1/2 c. oil
1 c. sour cream
4 eggs
2 tsp. almond extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine ingredients in a large bowl and beat 4 minutes at a medium speed. The batter will be very thick. Pour into a greased and lightly floured bundt pan. Cook cake for 5o minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool cake for 10 minutes on a cooling rack. Then turn out onto a plate and lightly sprinkle powdered sugar over the top, if desired.
the makerie creative retreat {coming soon!}
If saving your pennies is something you're resolving to do in 2011, here's something exciting to save your pennies for. The Makerie is a creative retreat weekend happening in Boulder, CO this April, designed to lovingly nurture the creative spirit in all of us. It will be full of amazing creative/crafting workshops (i.e. sewing, embroidery, knitting, painting, block printing, pattern making, etc...) and is for anyone who wants to be creative or try something totally new in a supportive and loving environment.
They have an AMAZING line-up of teachers from around the country for this inaugural year. In addition to the classes, they will offer wake-up yoga and/or hiking, as well as healthy, organic, and local (where possible) yummy foods as part of the weekend so everyone feels cared for all around. Think of it like summer camp for adults (but in April!); a weekend with no cooking or cleaning or errands, just creating and playing! Attendees will have the chance to stay in cozy cottages, eat delicious meals together, and simply be part of a fun, creative community for a few days.
The Makerie Creative Retreat
Dates: April 7 - 10, 2011
Dates: April 7 - 10, 2011
Location: Boulder, CO http://www.chautauqua.com/
going through my stash {and making snuggies for kids!}
My husband has a New Year's resolution for me: de-stash my craft stash! I have to agree--it needs to be done before we move across the country this summer. So started with the yards of University of Utah fleece I bought on sale and finally made my kids the knock-off Snuggies (you know, the blankets with sleeves?) I promised them! Perfect for snuggling up and playing their new Wii.
I found a great pattern for the kid-sized Snuggie (or Snuglet) here and made a few modifications. Since my kids are young, they needed a smaller size. I changed the length of the fleece piece to 50" for my 7-year-old and 45" for my 5-year-old. Measure your child from shoulder to the floor and add a few inches for a custom fit. I also measured their arms and trimmed some length off them, too.
Secondly, I moved the arm holes up about 5 inches. They gave me more length and less bulk around their necks. Lastly, I added a strip of Velcro to the back so they would stay closed while they were wearing them. They kept walking around and complaining they were falling off (they don't stay sitting down for very long!).
We're Huskies now, and soon we'll be Hawkeyes, but we'll always be Utes (we've given them way too much money not to be loyal!). So of course we've already started indoctrinating our children. The leftover fabric was plenty to make them simple scarves and little pillows, so they can dream about their future college years at the greatest school on earth.
I noticed Hancock's Fabrics has licensed school fleece and cottons on sale this week, so go make a Snuggie and start showing your school spirit while lounging on the couch!
I found a great pattern for the kid-sized Snuggie (or Snuglet) here and made a few modifications. Since my kids are young, they needed a smaller size. I changed the length of the fleece piece to 50" for my 7-year-old and 45" for my 5-year-old. Measure your child from shoulder to the floor and add a few inches for a custom fit. I also measured their arms and trimmed some length off them, too.
Secondly, I moved the arm holes up about 5 inches. They gave me more length and less bulk around their necks. Lastly, I added a strip of Velcro to the back so they would stay closed while they were wearing them. They kept walking around and complaining they were falling off (they don't stay sitting down for very long!).
We're Huskies now, and soon we'll be Hawkeyes, but we'll always be Utes (we've given them way too much money not to be loyal!). So of course we've already started indoctrinating our children. The leftover fabric was plenty to make them simple scarves and little pillows, so they can dream about their future college years at the greatest school on earth.
I noticed Hancock's Fabrics has licensed school fleece and cottons on sale this week, so go make a Snuggie and start showing your school spirit while lounging on the couch!
Cemburu Sebagai Energi Positif???
Setiap manusia berakal pasti memiliki rasa cemburu. Ini adalah anugerah fitriah dari Allah. Sebagai anugerah, cemburu memiliki potensi sebagai kekuatan pengendali dan pendorong, sekaligus sebagai kekuatan yang dapat merusak. Kita bisa melihat seorang anak yang cemburu sewaktu hadirnya sang adik dalam kehidupannya. Sudah sewajarnya, perhatian orang tua akan terbagi, terhadap si kakak dan kepada si adik. Si kakak yang biasanya mendapat curahan penuh kasih sayang orang tuanya, harus dengan "terpaksa" memberikan bagian kasih sayang itu kepada adiknya. Karenanya, tak jarang kita menemukan seorang yang anak yang tiba-tiba saja ngambek sewaktu adiknya lahir atau dia berbuat ulah sebagai sebuah aksi agar ia tetap mendapatkan perhatian.
Hati manusia, atau sering disebut qalbu, senantiasa bolak-balik, tiada tetap. Kadang ia bersih, kuat iman, bercahaya, lemah lembut, tetapi suatu saat menjadi kotor, lemah iman, gelap gulita, buta, keras membatu terhadap kebenaran.
Di antara penyebab hati yang kotor adalah tiada beriman kepada Alquran dan banyak berbuat kesesatan. Allah berfirman, ''Dan (begitu pula) Kami memalingkan hati dan penglihatan mereka seperti mereka belum pernah beriman kepadanya (Alquran) pada permulaannya, dan Kami biarkan mereka bergelimang dalam kesesatannya yang sangat.'' (QS 6: 10).
Di antara penyebab hati yang kotor adalah tiada beriman kepada Alquran dan banyak berbuat kesesatan. Allah berfirman, ''Dan (begitu pula) Kami memalingkan hati dan penglihatan mereka seperti mereka belum pernah beriman kepadanya (Alquran) pada permulaannya, dan Kami biarkan mereka bergelimang dalam kesesatannya yang sangat.'' (QS 6: 10).
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Kiat Mendidik Anak Agar Gemar Menabung
kids helping hand towels
It's a new year. That means I can resolve to keep my house cleaner this year. To do that I really need the help of the little boys who contribute to many messes at my house! I heard of an idea to have the kids decorate their own hand towels to use when they clean up. This way when I want the table wiped off, or there is a spill, they can run right to their own towel and help me out.
This is an easy, cheap, fun activity to do with your kiddos. The supply list is simple as well. I found a big pack of towels on clearance at Target. All you need after that is crayons, newspaper, an iron, and ironing board (or use your counter top with several layers of towels for protection).
You can have your child use the crayons to decorate the towels however you like. I helped trace my boys' hands on the towels since I called them helping hand towels. Then I had each boy write his name so he would know which towel was his. Make sure you pick a dark enough color and press hard so the color is bold.
After you are finished coloring on the towels, place them face down onto a thick layer of newspapers. Using the cotton setting on your iron, apply some pressure and iron all over the towel for several minutes. Replace the newspapers since a layer of crayon will come off of the towel and then repeat. After this, you can wash and dry the towels and the crayon will stay!
I have noticed that it does fade over time, but my boys loved this activity so much that I won't mind making more in a few months! Best wishes for a clean home (and happy helpers) this year!
vintage pillowcase apron you can really use {sewing tutorial}
Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a safe and happy end to 2010. I was folding laundry and listening to a book on my iPod when the new year hit (while everyone else in my house slept), but hey, that's my life right now and I'm happy with it! The best part was waking up to Anne of Green Gables on PBS--my husband turned it on to wake me up. I did wake up, but his plan was foiled when I stayed in bed to watch it all morning. 2011 is bound to be a good year with that start! (I know, I'm a nerd, but I'm not afraid to admit it!)
I'm so excited to start the year off with a fabulous and quite ingenious tutorial from the fabulous and ingenious Jennifer. It's a pillowcase apron with an inventive addition. You're going to want to run right out and make it. Good thing it's a holiday weekend!
Pillowcase Apron with Towel Tutorial
When my mother was downsizing her house last spring, she gave me a whole stack of old embroidered pillowcases. I really loved them, but I knew that I wouldn’t be using them for pillows. I already have a whole stack of them that I was given when I got married that I’ve never used. Last spring I saw a friend wear an apron to work that was made from an embroidered pillowcase. I loved it and knew right away what I was going to be doing with that stack of pillowcases. I made this apron for my newly married daughter, who is living in Germany. She loves blue and I knew that she would really like to have one of her grandmother’s pillowcases.
I used this tutorial by Crafty Dame to make the apron. It was really fast and pretty easy, although if I make another one I am going to make the waistband (not the ties) a little bigger and have less gathering in the skirt. It took just about an hour to make it.
My husband teases me that my life is always form over function (he’s an engineer). While it is true that I tend to make things more pretty than functional, it’s not always the case. I knew while I was making this apron that it would be hard to use in the kitchen because I wouldn’t want to get it dirty. I also know that I am always looking for a kitchen towel to wipe my hands or wipe up messes, so I decided to add a kitchen towel to this apron.
I sewed buttons to the waist band of the apron. I tried to make them match the embroidery. I didn’t worry too much about the size because I wanted them to be a decorative element if you didn’t have the towel attached.
I used a bar mop which I folded over about 5 or 6 inches and sewed button holes into it.
The bar mop just buttons on and off over the apron and is perfect for wiping hands, cleaning up messes, protecting the apron from grease and can even be used as a hot pad in a pinch. When it gets dirty just unbutton it and throw it in the washer. The bar mop is not anywhere near as pretty as the apron, but I thought it made the apron a lot more functional.
I'm so excited to start the year off with a fabulous and quite ingenious tutorial from the fabulous and ingenious Jennifer. It's a pillowcase apron with an inventive addition. You're going to want to run right out and make it. Good thing it's a holiday weekend!
Pillowcase Apron with Towel Tutorial
When my mother was downsizing her house last spring, she gave me a whole stack of old embroidered pillowcases. I really loved them, but I knew that I wouldn’t be using them for pillows. I already have a whole stack of them that I was given when I got married that I’ve never used. Last spring I saw a friend wear an apron to work that was made from an embroidered pillowcase. I loved it and knew right away what I was going to be doing with that stack of pillowcases. I made this apron for my newly married daughter, who is living in Germany. She loves blue and I knew that she would really like to have one of her grandmother’s pillowcases.
I used this tutorial by Crafty Dame to make the apron. It was really fast and pretty easy, although if I make another one I am going to make the waistband (not the ties) a little bigger and have less gathering in the skirt. It took just about an hour to make it.
My husband teases me that my life is always form over function (he’s an engineer). While it is true that I tend to make things more pretty than functional, it’s not always the case. I knew while I was making this apron that it would be hard to use in the kitchen because I wouldn’t want to get it dirty. I also know that I am always looking for a kitchen towel to wipe my hands or wipe up messes, so I decided to add a kitchen towel to this apron.
I sewed buttons to the waist band of the apron. I tried to make them match the embroidery. I didn’t worry too much about the size because I wanted them to be a decorative element if you didn’t have the towel attached.
I used a bar mop which I folded over about 5 or 6 inches and sewed button holes into it.
The bar mop just buttons on and off over the apron and is perfect for wiping hands, cleaning up messes, protecting the apron from grease and can even be used as a hot pad in a pinch. When it gets dirty just unbutton it and throw it in the washer. The bar mop is not anywhere near as pretty as the apron, but I thought it made the apron a lot more functional.
homemade box of chocolates
I love chocolate. Every year when Valentine's Day comes around I get excited to see all the chocolate that permeates the aisles at the store. There are so many boxes of chocolate, but I often find that unless you spend a large sum of money to get the good stuff, most of the heart shaped boxes just don't satisfy. You don't get much bang for your buck. This year I thought I would make a few of my own mini boxes of chocolate to give to some friends.
The process was really simple, and much cheaper than buying a box of chocolate. First, find yourself a box and some decorative paper you love.
Next cut a piece of paper that is big enough to fit your box. I picked two papers. One for my box and one for the lid. I then cut slits at each of the four corners so you can easily fold the paper up to glue one side at a time. Use a brush to apply mod podge to the sides of the box.
Pull the paper up and press it on the side of the box to cover it completely. Smooth any bubbles out. Repeat the process until every side is covered, trimming any excess paper as needed. Follow the same process to cover your lid.
I filled my box with my favorite chocolates. Oreo balls! They are so delicious and easy to make. I am not promising any health benefits, however. You can find the recipe at the bottom of a past post HERE.
Tie on a pretty ribbon and you are finished! A pretty, delicious, homemade box of chocolates for you to surprise someone with (it can even be for yourself, I won't tell!).